Who Are The Guardians Of The Light?

Messengers Of The Light

The Guardians of the Light are keepers of light.  They are our Holy Elders, Adepts, Initiates and protectors of the light.  They are also children of the light or people we know whose acts of service, kindness and selflessness  help others and add light energy  by these acts. Many do not even realize they are doing this.

Guardians of the light come to us with many vibratory levels. They include initiates, supreme beings, angelic beings and Archangels, Brotherhoods, elders, Adepts Initiates and more.

The Guardians Of The Light are  keepers, protectors and  teachers. They are children of the Highest energy force of  light. They include ancient civilizations that were connected to a higher light. These civilizations  guarded the mystical teachings and communicated with a divine presence. It is seen in the pyramids of Egypt, ancient torahs and torah shields,  statues, paintings, carvings into mountains and manuscripts around the world. The archaic symbols of these great light forces are seen in  Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, , Turkey, Iran,,India, China, Cambodia, Mexico, Peru, California, North Carolina, New Mexico,  and many other ancient and newborn civilizations. Guardians of the light  send their messages thru  mystical organizations like the Freemasons, Knights Of Templar, Hermetic Orders, Golden Dawn,  ancient Torahs of   Judaism ,Theosophy, art, music, color, sound and their children on earth. They are astrologers, psychics, Shamans, healers of today and years gone by.  Healers are energy healers but, also doctors, nurses, and  protectors of the weak and injured  are  light  advocates. They shine as they carry this light to others everyday with service and kindness. These are those whose  flame of light is guided by the brighter flame of our elder guardians who watch over. Some are aware they have this and others are not. Right now we are being asked to reflect on who we are. Coronavirus will test humanity and bring us to a new era. All workers of the light will be asked to join etheric hands to cleanse, and move humanity to a new awakening. These are challenging but, important times. We must remember who we are.

A New Age Of Light Bearers

As we look around we see more and more healers and light bearers forming meetups and reaching out in many different ways to bring this light to a  new era of humanity. Some call it a new fifth root race. Others speak of Starseeds or old souls. Many of these people do not even realize they are conduits for the light.

Perhaps you have encountered an enlightened Spiritual Being who lives here on Earth. He or she faces the same challenges you do but has the ability and energy to help others. They serve as  teachers blessed by the grand elders and masters of the  Realm of Spirit. Perhaps you have met one in your travels or just crossed a path when you reached out mentally for guidance and somehow there was an answer right there. They walk with Love, gratitude and  always in service to the Light. Many years ago there was a civilization of light. Many say it was called Lemuria. It crumbled, some say, beneath the sea. Some say they are in an other dimensional city under Mt Shasta. The guardians of the light are protectors of the  light on earth.

Great Ancient  Civilizations Of The Light

We see the  signs and messages of  the Guardians Of The Light in many of the ancient civilizations like the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala. Ancient monuments and paintings depicting this can be found in:  Mesopotamia, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Greece, Spain, China, Mesoamerica, North America, Rome, Medieval old towns, India, Indonesia, Peru, Guatemala, Bali, Cambodia, and maybe in your home town.

Current Centers Of Light

There are many places around the world that are  strongholds for deep meditation with a connection to the light and healing. These are ancient civilizations we can still visit. Many points within the United States are magnetic healing centers as well as places in Europe.  New Mexico has  many centers where one can absorb spiritual energy. The thick atmosphere of Florida is a rich source of manifestation. There are new ones rising everyday in the USA. The USA is a very young civilization and a special place to ignite a spark for our elder guardians of the light. You are endowed by your  creator  as light bearers to have “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

 Teachers-  Sages- Masters

The centuries have brought to us many  who were Guardians of the Light in their own right.

These include: Helena Blavatsky, Paul Foster Case, Alice Bailey, Dion Fortune, Christian Bernard, Arthur Edward Waite , St Germain, and many more.  Thru-out the centuries these great teachers of acted as guardians of the light.  They were teachers bringing  sacred wisdom in word and deed. Many were protectors od sacred wisdom.

Healers, Psychics, Astrologers

There are many healers, psychics and astrologers today who are guardians of the light. More and more are being seen as people  begin to resonate and remember.  Slowly we  are being awakened. There are meetups and organizations. With the internet the movement of these are faster then ever before.

Unknowing Guardians Of The Light

These are people who heal every day with their actions words and deeds. They bring hope to the sick and healing to the weak. They save lives and bring good will to all they encounter. They do not know they are carriers of the light and are just a  spark ready to ignite. Many are caregivers and in the medical or service field. They give in selfless service and in that way Guard the light with kindness and good will. .

Guardians of The Light

Guardians of the Light will develop and mold as the need arises. This will be a network and a source for  all seekers of healing insight, self reflection, questions about their path and esoteric light. It will emerge as a network and source for  learning. Offerings will include: astrological counseling,  esoteric readings, meditation techniques  and counseling. Keep in touch as offerings begin to develop.  Current offerings include: astrological counseling, guided meditation techniques, guided self healing,  tarot readings and meditations, individual  specific meditations, metaphysical counseling and solace.  If you wish the services of Guardians of the Light contact us  or call 1 877 522-2123. If you wish to join or list with Guardians of the Light contact us today.