Category Archives: Stories & Sharing

Tension and Intention

  Intention gains its true power through the focus of your attention. This focused attention creates tension. Thru this focused tension to intention the creative imagination begins to make form a reality.  If we look at the definitions of  tension and intention – Tension is condition of being held in a state between two or […]


Transmutation has been a part of the ancient teachings since the beginning of civilization, It was an art developed in Lemuria where it was used as a positive means of controling the environment. It was used in Atlantis for a more self serving goal. At the personality level it is a means of controlling ones […]

Agni Yoga Or The Burning It Down Process

Agni yoga was founded in 1920 by Nicolas and Helena Roerich to emphasize living an ethical life, bringing spiritual consciousness into the moment. The practice of Agni yoga does not involve asanas, mantras, meditation or a teacher/master. This term means “Mergence with Divine Fire” or “Path to such Mergence”. Fire in this context is a […]

Creativity And The Heart

Creative Feeling and Creative Thought Creation begins as creative feeling but, fore there to be a true manifestation there must be creative thought.The greater tension in the crucible the more rapid the manifestation.Creative thoughtis a power source of energy. It mst always create beneficially and wisely with wisdom brought thru higher thought. Creative feeling cannot […]

The Anatakarana and Soul Infused Personality

The Mental Plane In the simplest definition the mental plane is the home of thought. It is the center of manifestation  if it can operate without interference from the physical and the astral plane. It is the center  or hub of all creative thought. All those that create do it with concentrated focus on the […]

About Starseeds

Starseeds are individuals whose souls have  originated from another star system or galaxy.. Many have lived on more then one. They have agreed to come to our galaxy to assist in the evolution of mankind. Many were part of a plan of the Grand master Kumat Sumatra.  It is told thst the ancient Lemurians were […]

Problems Of Humanity

The problems of humanity go very far back to the world of Atlantis when the  when the government of that kingdom allowed the desire for control and power to distract and breakdown an age that was living by the rules of cosmic law. This system broke down when those that did niot see the light […]

Compassion ,Pity, Emotional Response And The Heart

The vast difference between Compassion, Emotional Response, Pity and the service of the heart comes from the centers from which each type of energy is at their core or source. The service of the heart comes from a soul infused personality in connection with the divine essence or spiritual triad. The centers of compassion, pity […]

Tension and Spiritual Development

Tension is necessary for ultimate awareness. Without tension one becomes complacent Tension is the ultimate combustion in formation and manifestation When consciousness is held in the extreme one pointedness of tension the ultimate manifestation will occur. All artists create their best work in the ultimate tension. And thus the creation or forming of the antahkarana […]

Your Brain and Exercise Could There Be a psychic Link

Can exercise, I mean intensive body building or working with weights actually activate psychic ability. I am giving this some thought after discovering these ideas about your brain and exercise. It seems exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body, and researchers are just beginning to discover why. Your brain […]