
Transmutation has been a part of the ancient teachings since the beginning of civilization, It was an art developed in Lemuria where it was used as a positive means of controling the environment. It was used in Atlantis for a more self serving goal. At the personality level it is a means of controlling ones environment based on how one views it. Changing or transmuting it is thru positive  awareness of wjhat one may want and using the imagination to see it transform thus manifesting the desired outcome  Of course, if not done on the lower mental plane in the light of the soul ,but rather, using astral energy the manifestation may turn out rather complex. On the higher level thru the spiritual triad and the heart as the major controling factor thru the mind it becomes a tool for world goodwill and positive change.

One can use the mind to transmute conditions and things already created. When one alters the creation, use of the imagination becomes the key in this transmutation. When we change our view of our environment, transmute it, we can become closer to living in the world of meaning. This is a consideration of transformation thru the lower triad, Higher triad and the heart as the key factor. We can transmute the personality and in the broader sense transmute humanity as a whole. The key to bringing about transmutation is the use of imagination with a point of tension.

Transmutation has been discussed by the alchemists where metal is transmuted to gold. “Really, to transmute comes from that famous phrase from alchemy, “to transmute lead into gold.” It means to purge the lead, which is a dense, heavy, and impure metal, and reduce it into its quintessence—in other words, to reduce it to the most basic components that originally made it, and from that, to perfect it.”  It is simply a way of transmuting the lower triad to the higher but, expressed in a different way.

To achieve the purest transmutation one must have the heart working with the mind. The heart is the center of transmutation with the mind as the idea source. To transmute one must act as if the transmutation has happened and use the imagination to see it as different or to be seeing thru the the eyes into the world of meaning. To transmute is to change the energies of one place into another. There is a need to use the creative mind and the will to accomplish this.

If perspective changes then view odf the world, surroundings and daily life changes and our environment ( using the as If ) changes. With use of imagination and creative will to transmute our environment becomes transmuted. Then precipitation takes place. In building the antakarana we must transmute lower energies to higher. The antakarana is built,in the evolutionary, sense thru transmutation. The entire sense of evolving fron disciple to initiate is done with the ability to use the art of transmutation.

Transmutation begins as an individual process. With daily practice and many practicing in a positive way, it can become a group transmutation and assist with transformation or transmutation of humanity.This is a larger question yet still to be answered.The transmutation of mankind must be done on the group level

It begins with the individual. The transmutation of the lower attracts attention from the higher. It reflects back down thru the heart and is then lifted thru the mind. It is thru the back and forth reflection that the process of transmutation begins.It is a daily process to reflect back and remember that moment of transmutation. When the lower thru the heart turns upward and reflects downward thru the mind. As one resonates to higher levels the lower is lifted and begins to transmute andoperate on a different level.. It starts in the heart. If we do not recognize the heart transmutation cannot occur in the subtle vehicles. Lower to higher-heart to lower- mind – love- transmutation to higher and so the process goes.

How we see our environment on a daily basis begins to change as we continue the transmutation achieved in meditation. This becomes a reflection of the transmutation described which is achieved in meditation, imagination, concentration and will of livingness. The process is: heart to mind- lower-higher. Heart to mind allows the transmutation to begin. The heart to mind transmutation opens the vortexto allow the the lower to transmute to the higher. A point of tension is achieved and the imagination allows for the transmutation to begin.