Who Was Paul Foster Case
Paul Foster Case was a mystic and founder of BOTA. His teachings of the mysteries and symbolism of the Kabbalah and Tarot. He is one of the great teachers and a true Guardian Of The Light. Thru BOTA he has fulfilled his mission to translate the techniques of Tarot and Qabalah into terms understandable to the modern mind, and to offer the teachings of Ageless Wisdom. Because of his dedication, aspirants will have
available a thoroughly tested and true method for travelling the Path of Spiritual Return to the Most High.
About Paul Foster Case and BOTA
Paul Foster Case was born in Fairport, New York in 1884. He began to study of Tarot after meeting Claude Bragdon. He publish ,for the first time in history, the correct attributions of the Hebrew letters and numbers of the twenty two major trumps of the Tarot. He later founded BOTA and brought the teachings of tarot and kabbalah to students and seekers of the world. Builders of the Adytum offers lessons offering the student mystical teachings and practices of the Holy Qabalah and the Sacred Tarot.
More About BOTA
BOTA members are taught the meaning of the magical words of : “Eheyeh” (Unity), “Jehovah” (cosmic father), “Elohim” (divine mother), “Adonai” (Lord).
Vowel sounds, intonations and chants affect a change in the vibratory rate of the psychic centers physical glands and the human aura. The higher the rate of vibration the more in tune it is with the emanations from the Cosmic. These intonation of sounds can assist in raising the vibrations of the body above those of disease and also raising your consciousness to a higher level. Intonations include Divine Names and Invocation Of Archangel Forces.
What BOTA offers are esoteric in teachings that were passed down over the centuries from one master to another. Many of these teaching were disguised under pictures and symbols that offered information to one who could understand it and sought it. There are secrets within secrets in these lessons. One must be ready to reap the rewards. As with all mystery teachings there are many paths to the light.
The Guardians Of The Light gather these truths and pass them along to those that are ready to listen. BOTA is only one of the paths used. There are many more.