Tension and Intention


Intention gains its true power through the focus of your attention. This focused attention creates tension. Thru this focused tension to intention the creative imagination begins to make form a reality.  If we look at the definitions of  tension and intention –
Tension is condition of being held in a state between two or more forces, which are acting in opposition to each other while intention is a course of action that a person intends to follow.

When the point between the two forces is held in focus as the point of highest tension the course of action follows. One helps the other. The question is which really comes first in thought creation.

In our meditation we voice our intention. WE then focus on a point of highest tension.The creative imagination now comes into play.The intention is now forced forward with the tension as the one pointed call to action. The intention is ,in a sense held, as a thought form- a affirmation. This affirmation is now pushed thru the focal point of the greatest tension for the creation of the antrakarana.

Intention is a  powerful declaration of what you truly desire and aspire to manifest. They act as vivid blueprints, illuminating your path and shaping your choices. It is interesting to note that In physics, tension describes the pulling force exerted by two or more objects that are in contact with each other. For example, water molecules create what is known as surface tension, which is the property that allows insects to sit comfortably on the surface of a body of water. You can also observe this form of tension in action in spider webs, the Golden Gate Bridge, and tightrope walking. All these started with a beginning point of intention where the final tension, resulted in completion

.In Reflection and Meditstion

Intention must become a part of  a daily process, nut just in meditation .  One must be able to understand this concept and recognize it in ones daily activitiea. Wrong intention is very powerful. Intention in and of itself is a powerful affirmation of meaning and fact. In meditation intention must be very carefully thought out.. Every word counts ans a resonating meditative message to the hierarchy and is  a strong message of your intent as a disciple. I say thought out because intentions in the lower mind resonate in the higher,  Once intentions has bee stated with caution and every word chosen carefully the resulting focus of tension is a step that easily unfolds. The meaning and purpose of the intention affirmation is in itself a form of tension, It can be released and then focus of strong intent is the concentrated tension of creation. Tension is focus. The creative imagination allow thought to become form when the message in intention  is given to it and the tension is there to build a finished product.Energy follows thought. Fixed intention is in its final point a resulting tension. The creative imagination is intention in words. Tension allows it to take form. It is akin to the exact point of a paint brush hitting the canvas. My ind in meditation has been able to focus to that one point like with the paint brush and with that final point of tension release in vivid images the antakarana.  There is no other way to describe it other then energy released into form, The energies which are used for building theb antakarana are now focused. They are fused into one point of expression.  As one continues to express a cl;ear intention the resulting ability to have a clear focused tension is easier, Tension must be focused and it must have intention to back it up. Tension without intention is scattered energy with no real goal. Intention is strong the tension created finishes the creation. There is no thought, no emotion just focused intention and that is tension. One follows the other. It is easily moved form one step to the next. There is an initial feeling of intention-will-intention and the focus then expands to form. The creation is born. If you think of a mother giving birth. There is the intention- the push the force , then the tension of focus to completion-the birth